Progression’s New Disability Product Brings Awareness to the Workplace
It is important to focus on the ability and not on the disability of an individual. Often, the societal perception of persons with disabilities is impacted by attitudes based on stigma and discrimination that are often the greatest barrier to the full and equal participation in society for persons with disabilities.” – UN Enable
From 3 November to 3 December, South Africa commemorates National Disability Rights Month. In celebration of this, Progression is launching an exciting new product campaign which brings disability experts to your organisation’s workplace for the purpose of driving awareness and inclusion around disability in the workplace.
With many companies striving towards diversifying their workforce, people with disabilities are becoming increasingly integrated into organisations. Yet despite these efforts, workplaces remain largely inaccessible to people with disabilities, with physical and attitudinal barriers still presenting a major challenge.
Creating awareness around disability is the first step to addressing these challenges. “Progression’s new product encourages organisations to bring disability awareness and education to the workplace by engaging in, and hosting, their own Disability Day,” states Beth Cook, CEO at Progression. “Any business that wants to celebrate Disability Rights Month and drive inclusion within their workforce is invited to participate in this initiative.”
Progression will spend five hours onsite providing expert advice, tools and strategies to the entire organisation. During this time, a number of topics will be explored including unpacking the definition of disability and its scope; What is Reasonable Accommodation and who is entitled to it; Best Practice around managing disclosure and confidentiality; as well as various information relating to Progression’s assessments, audits and training around disability.
As part of the product delivery, Progression will also provide a Recommendations Report for assessing potential gaps in the organisation’s disability strategy, by accessing information around the organisation’s culture towards disability through spot surveys and discussions with employees.
“Introducing topics of disability in the workplace requires continued awareness and sensitisation. The Disability Day will offer organisations the opportunity to better understand the culture and attitude towards disability that exists in their workplace,” says Beth. “This product aims to bring disability to an organisation’s doorstep, allowing all employees within the organisation to participate.”
“Through this campaign, we hope to debunk some of the myths and misconceptions that exist around employing people with disabilities and help organisations to realise the multitude of possibilities for integration,” concludes Beth.
For more information about the Disability Day campaign visit or email to book your day with the team.